Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary 

Contact Information

Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary

1 Theodore Wirth Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55422 - link opens in new tab.
(612) 230-6400 (Alt Local)

Exit I-394 at Penn Ave and follow the south frontage road (Wayzata Blvd) west to the Wirth Parkway connection. Then drive north on Wirth Parkway 1/2 mile to the driveway entrance to the garden. Main gate to the Garden is at the top of the hill.

Get Directions - link opens in new tab.


Founded in 1907, the Wildflower Garden is the oldest public native plant garden in the United States. There are more than 500 native plant species within the Garden's 15 acres of woodland, wetland, and prairie habitats. More than 130 resident and migratory bird species travel through or reside within the Garden.


April 1-Oct 15: 7:30am - 1 hour before sunset.


No entrance fee. Guidebooks for sale at the Martha Crone Visitor's Shelter. Bike racks are near the main gate. Metered parking available or buy a Park Patron parking pass - good at all Minneapolis regional parks. No pets allowed.

Green Practices

  • Eco-friendly landscape/facility design

Attraction Attributes

  • Can accommodate groups of 45 or more

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