1860 Vintage Base Ball

  • Sporting Events
    • Other Sports Events

Event Information

Dakota City Heritage Village

4008 220th Street
Farmington, MN 55024


The Dakota County Historical Society, in joint partnership with Dakota City Heritage Village, will host a vintage base ball event at the Dakota City grounds.

Bat and ball games date back to the 1600s in North America. Vintage base ball plays the game by the rules of 1860, which consist of less than 40 rules. Some of the rules include the pitcher being 45-feet away and tossing the ball underhand, while the batter is required to run 90-feet on the base path. A batter can be out by force out at first, their ball being caught on the fly, or their ball being caught after one bounce.

The day will consist of multiple games of 1860 base ball between a combined team with DCHS and DCHV with the name of Farmington, as well as a team from Rosemount, the Northfield Silver Stars and Rochester Roosters. During the day, visitors will be able to access the concession stand that will serve baseball-fair, such as hotdogs, brats, water, etc. and a silent auction.

Children's activities will take place throughout the day, giving kids an opportunity to see what it was like to be a kid playing games in the 1860s.

Match schedule TBA


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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