30th Annual St Croix Valley Pottery Tour


The Annual St Croix Valley Pottery Tour and Sale welcomes visitors on Mothers’ Day weekend to seven pottery studios in Chisago County. Each studio/pottery is just a short drive from the others allowing some or all to be visited in a single day. Distinguished guest potters, host potters, and pottery appreciators will gather in person again on May 6, 7, 8, 2022 ~ Hours: Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5

(Note:  Select Pots will also be available ONLINE on Thursday only, May 5, 2022 10:00 am – 10:00 pm CST.  We offer this shopping opportunity as a courtesy and special bonus for those unable to attend in-person on the weekend.)

This self-guided tour is anticipated by all who enjoy handmade pottery. It is nationally recognized as a gathering of exceptional potters. Always held on Mothers' Day weekend, "The Tour" is an opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of local potters in their rural studios.

This year you can meet sixty accomplished guest potters, fifty-eight from the USA and two from England. Each has been invited by their host potter especially for this weekend event. In 2022 there are sixty-eight participating potters, including the hosts.

The seven host pottery sites are: Jeff Oestreich's early Minnesota farmstead remade into home and studio, Ani Kasten's pottery gallery-in-a-barn, Linda Christianson's unique studio and reclaimed log home nestled in a clearing in the woods, Richard Vincent's oak-shaded backyard studio, Janel Jacobson and Will Swanson's studio close by Wild River State Park, Guillermo Cuellar's hilltop home and studio overlooking the St. Croix River, and Matt Krousey's picturesque, woodland home and studio.

Follow @stcroixvalleypotterytour on Instagram and Facebook for updates.

https://www.facebook.com/StCroixValleyPotteryTour/  https://www.instagram.com/stcroixvalleypotterytour 


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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