9/11: A Dakota County Aviation Perspective 


Join the Dakota County Historical Society to learn about 9/11 from a unique perspective: aviation. Many people can remember where they were when the first plane crashed into the Twin Towers on 9/11.
We often hear stories from family members that lost loved ones during the attacks, or about the bravery of the men and women that went on search and rescue missions days, and months, after 9/11.
This panel discussion will give an aviation perspective on 9/11 from three men that were all in aviation industry that day. Steve Beenck was a pilot flying from Amsterdam to Washington, D.C. when news of the attack made it to him. Bob Becker was at home awaiting his shift as an air traffic controller when he saw the planes hit the towers. Steve Callister was in a meeting as Airport Director for MSP when he got news of the attacks. 
This special panel discussion will be moderated by Kristy Barse, President for the Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau.
Attendees can arrive at 11:30 a.m. and lunch will be served at 11:45 a.m. The panel discussion will begin at 12:45 p.m.

Get tickets and learn more at https://dakotahistory.org/events/989-jan-20-dchs-annual-meeting-9-11-a-dakota-county-aviation-perspe...


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