Event Information
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
17076 293rd Ave NWZimmerman, MN 55398 - link opens in new tab.
The Oak Savanna Learning Center is located ¼ mile west of refuge headquarters off Sherburne County Road 9 at 16797 289th Ave NW, Zimmerman, MN 55398; look for event signs.
Get Directions - link opens in new tab.About
Save the date to join us for Wildlife Festival! This annual celebration of wildlife and the onset of fall is FREE, open to the public, and features a wide variety of family-friendly activities. Engaging booths offer opportunities to observe live animals, complete nature crafts, learn about refuge wildlife and management, investigate aquatic invertebrates, and check out the Eagle's Nest Nature Store and silent auction.
Additionally, there is a once-a-year opportunity for you to explore behind the refuge gates from 8 am to 2 pm. Maps with locations of the open roads will be available on the refuge website.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to providing access to these events for all participants. Please direct all requests for special accommodation to Refuge Headquarters: 763‐389‐3323, sherburne@fws.gov, or TTY 800‐877‐8339 by 4 pm on Friday, September 15.
The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.Green Practices
- Eco-friendly landscape/facility design
- Water conservation/wastewater management plan
Accessibility Accommodations
- Wheelchair accessible parking
- Wheelchair accessible restrooms
- Automatic / power-assist doors