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Annual Trout Derby

  • Sporting Events
    • Fishing Events

Event Information

Gunflint Lake Public Water Access

S. Gunflint Lake Rd.
Gunflint Trail, MN 55604


Annual Trout Derby Picnic and fishing contest on Gunflint Lake.
Fundraiser hosted by the Cook County Snowmobile Club Ridge Riders.
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Come out for a day of fishing and fun on the ice on Gunflint Lake. Proceeds help support the local snowmobile club, the Cook County Ridge Riders, in the maintenance and grooming of much of the over 137 miles of snowmobile trails in Cook County.

Registration opens at 9:00 a.m.All fish must be turned in by 2 p.m.*by weight fishing competition* - all MN DNR rules must be followed. Don't forget!- get a current fishing license & trout stamp! 

Registration Fees:
$5 Kids
$10 Adult CCRR Member
$20 Non-member (membership sign up available on the ice) 

When the tournament ends, the fish toss competition begins! Sign up for free to participate -on the ice- and shoot your shot for some fun prizes! 

FREE brats, burgers, fish sandwiches, and sodas. 

Free Random Prize drawings for kids and adults at the end of the day- join us for a fun day of fishing to win some prizes for your fish & possibly win some prizes just for participating!

Fishing Competition: TOP TEN FISH WIN PRIZES..... How this will go this year -- 1st place = biggest fish= gets first dibs on prize picking, followed by 2nd place and so on..... We can't wait to see you out on the ice!

This event is a fundraiser to help support the club in their endeavor to continue to maintain the trails and grooming equipment.

Please support your local snowmobile club. 


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