Artist Talk and Demo: Sana Musasama

  • Lectures & Workshops
    • Lectures & Workshops


Musasama’s (participating artist in Triaxial Blends) work speaks of the
systems that deny women their right to free expression and a complete
realization of their lives and bodies. She uses her craft to bring attention
to issues of human rights violations.

Join us for the first hour to hear her story. A story that has taken her to
West Africa, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Mexico, Israel, and various
places throughout the United States.

Stay for her workshop and learn to make Zoori Slippers. Walk away from this
workshop with several variations of this ancient craft in the form of
wearable art. See how this wonderful craft of hand weaving informs Sana’s
ceramic practice and supports her humanitarian efforts.

Register for your free spot:


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.

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