Battle For The Axe 2020 

  • Sporting Events
    • Other Sports Events


Throw down in the dead of winter for your team's chance to be added to the Axe! A full day of three to four events hosted by CrossFit Grow in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Expect classic CrossFit-style WODs as well as at least one workout out in the elements--those who battle for the axe don't mind the weather! Teams of two--M/M and F/F, both Rx and Scaled Divisions available. And new in 2020, we will be adding a division for Parent/Child!! High skill movements not prioritized--this is a throwdown designed to test limits and make you sweat as well as building community, and having fun! Prize bags for podium winners in all five divisions--first place winners receive a hatchet among other prizes. Registration limited--find your partner, name your team and sign up now!

The Parent/Child division is new and meant for a unique chance for a parent to compete with their child! The genders do not matter on this one. Your standard will be based on your gender and will match the scaled modifications. All logistical stuff will be handled by committee, so you just have to show up and work hard!

This competition will favor stamina and grit over brute strength. The weights and skills provided are only a recommendation per division and are not a complete list. Actual competition weights and skills may be modified.

**We are aware that there is no current slot for team name in registration. Not to worry! You will receive an email after registration asking for your teammate name as well as Team Name. :-)

This competition will favor stamina and grit over brute strength. The weights and skills provided are only a recommendation per division and are not a complete list. Actual competition weights and skills may be modified.

All weights listed as working weights.

Deadlift 185/135
Push press 115/85
Thruster 95/65
Pull- ups
Double unders
Box jumps 24"/20"

Deadlift 155/105
Push press 95/65
Thruster 65/35
Hanging knee raises
Single unders
Box jump 20"/16"


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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