Dragonflies and Damselflies Field Trip

  • Birding & Wildlife Events
    • Birding & Wildlife Events
  • Science & Nature
    • Science & Nature Exhibits & Events


Dragonflies and damselflies are an easily seen group of bugs and recently have become targets of cameras and nets!

“Dragonflying” is becoming a popular hobby across the US and northern Minnesota has incredible odonate diversity. In the Sax-Zim Bog alone, we have documented 87 species of dragonfly and damselfly!

This field trip will focus on seeing and catching adult dragonflies and damselflies. However, since most of the life of a dragonfly or damselfly is spent under water, we will also spend a little time looking for nymphs! All ages and ability levels are welcome! Extra nets will be available for those wanting to catch a few odes!

Register for this field trip here: Dragonflies and Damselflies Field Trip


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.

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