Kiwanis Holiday Lights

Please follow signage that directs traffic to the display. Those who want to walk through the lights can park outside of Sibley Park and walk in. Those who want to drive through the displays need to enter the park on Sibley Parkway.

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Walk or drive through! This celebration of holiday lights for the Greater Mankato area and region builds on past traditions and promotes the communities we serve, while raising non-perishable food donations for those in need. Admission is free for all vehicles and walkers. Cash donations are accepted non-perishable food items are collected each night for area food shelves.


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.

A lighted parade will be held at 6 pm on opening night, Friday, Nov. 24.
Sunday-Thursday 5 pm-9 pm
Friday & Saturday 5 pm-10 pm

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