Lakes Area Caffeine Crawl
Event Information
La Barista & Mi Cartagena in Detroit Lakes, Gathering Grounds in Perham, Mysie's Nutrition in Lake Park, Fill Thy Cup in Hawley
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501About
Visit all 5 coffee house crawl stops. You will receive an exclusive caffeine crawl coffee mug. Your mug can be filled 5 times with fall specialty coffees. You will also get an entry into a grand prize drawing. A portion of the registration fee will go towards charity. Register on our facebook event page.
When registering, email [email protected]
to select your starting coffee house. Your mug/roadmap will be at your starting
coffee house Sept 18. Each stop has a sticker for your roadmap. At last coffee
house stop, drop roadmap off for a grand prize drawing.
Stops are: La Barista & Mi Cartagena Cafe in Detroit Lakes, Gathering Grounds in Perham, Mysie's Nutrition in Lake Park, and Fill Thy Cup in Hawley.