Like a Little Tlaquepaque Vase or Como Jarrito de Tlaquepaque 


Like a Little Tlaquepaque Vase or Como Jarrito de Tlaquepaque

Ivonne Yáñez

July 26, 2023 - January 21, 2024

Like a little Tlaquepaque vase or Como Jarrito de Tlaquepaque is a solo exhibition of soft sculpture and mixed media installation by Mexican artist Ivonne Yáñez. The title alludes to the popular expression “Es tan frágil como un jarrito de Tlaquepaque” which in Spanish refers to an overly sensitive or emotionally weak person. Yáñez takes this reference and applies it to the fragility of the clay used to create vases. While clay is fragile, Yáñez’s sculptures are soft and made out of pink quilted fabric: the material transforms this object into a body that will never break. On the external surface of the vases the artists added images of Tarot cards mixed with traditional Mexican lottery games. As the artist states: “I am interested in finding similarities between traditional games for children and the traditional tarot deck, as they both are used as vehicles for divination. Working with soft fabrics translates the permanence of the material as a metaphor for the permanence of the future or destiny: for example “La muerte” (The Death) is a card that represents new beginnings or the end of a journey”.

The exhibition is curated by Art Center Curator Zoe Cinel.

Jurors: Christopher Delisle, Kaitlyn Walsh, Zoe Cinel

About the Artist

Ivonne Yáñez is an interdisciplinary artist and fashion designer from México City. In 2023 she graduated with a Master of Fine Arts Program from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She holds bachelor degree in fashion design from both the Universidad del Valle de México, México City, and from the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, in Milan. While presently, she is focusing on creating immersive installations, her background is in fashion media and retail design in México City. Her work has been exhibited at Fresh Eye Gallery, Gallery 148, and Gamut Gallery, all in Minneapolis, MN.

She has worked with Minneapolis Textile Center as the Program Coordinator of the Continuum Exhibition and at Fresh Eye Gallery as a Teaching Artist.


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