MCAD Announces Jerome Foundation Fellowships for Early Career Artists 


The Minneapolis College of Art and Design, on behalf of the Jerome Foundation, is honored to spotlight the recent work of the recipients of the 2018/19 MCAD–Jerome Foundation Fellowships for Early Career Artists: Mara Duvra, Marjorie Fedzyszn, Tucker Hollingsworth, and Boone Nguyen, all of the Twin Cities.
Mara Duvra’s current body of work is a continuation of a project, Tending: meditations on Blackness and interiority. With photographs, found objects, and texts, this work uncovers poetic representations of tenderness, calm, and silence as visual and tactile modes of self-study.
“To allow for breath, space, and time. To allow also for the body.” (Gabrielle Civil)
Marjorie Fedzyszn has been working with handmade, over beaten abaca paper for the duration of the fellowship. With this new material Fedyszyn continues to explore the tensions between power or control and vulnerability. Integrating memories and feelings of her life experiences through her art, she strives to reach her viewers and elicit conversations on our shared human experiences.
Tucker Hollingsworth is continuing to make work that expands the perceived limits and definitions of what a camera is possible of making, doing, and even in some cases, of being. These images captured “from nature” have the distinct look of having been manipulated when they are, in fact, due to the serendipitous process of clicking the shutter of a damaged or otherwise non-functioning camera.
Boone Nguyen will create a multi-media installation—including still photography, observational video, and soundscapes—interrogating the dichotomy between the personal and the universal. Which cultural objects and whose stories, lives, and actions are deemed valuable, and thus worthy of preserving? How do we recover, reclaim, and reanimate what is consigned to be forgotten? Through an engagement with these questions, his own family archives, and the materials collected in the Hmong Archives and East Side Freedom Library in St. Paul, Nguyen’s project will explore the social agency and collective histories of displaced and marginalized communities.

?Opening Reception: Friday, October 4, 6:00–8:00 p.m.
Jerome Artist Discussion: Wednesday, October 23, 6:30 p.m., MCAD Main Gallery Moderated by Victoria Sung, assistant curator, Walker Art Center
When: October 4–November 10, 2019
Where:MCAD Main Gallery, 2501 Stevens Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Who: Free and open to the public


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