Moths and More Evening Field Trip

  • Birding & Wildlife Events
    • Birding & Wildlife Events
  • Science & Nature
    • Science & Nature Exhibits & Events


At almost 600 species, moths are the most species rich group documented in the greater Sax-Zim Bog!

Even though they are one of the most species rich groups of insects, moths don’t get the same attention as their day flying relatives: butterflies!

Moths often surpass their cousins in color, pattern, behavior, and specialized relationship to plants. This field trip will serve as a good introduction to the moth diversity in Northeastern Minnesota.

We will also use some of our time waiting for moths to arrive by listening for night singing insects, birds, mammals, and more! Because this field trip is at night, plan on bringing a head lamp or flashlight.

Register for this field trip here: Moths and More Evening Field Trip


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.

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