Opening reception: Bonspiel and KITSCH BITCH WITCH 


"Bonspiel" is an exhibition of fourteen contemporary Canadian artists whose creative mission is to incorporate the theme of winter and/or winter sport into their works. A display of drinking vessels will also be part of the show; they will be wintery in theme and serve as a cheering section for the main event. Participating artists include: Amelia Butcher, Pattie Chalmers, Dawn Detarando, Carole Epp, Michael Flaherty, Christopher Reid Flock, Marney McDiarmid, Chris Pancoe, Mariko Paterson, Carly Slade, Martin Tagseth, and Andrew Tarrant.

By using horror, the figure, and monstrosity, each artist in "KITSCH BITCH WITCH" communicates Mingei ideologies of 'Art of the People' and Folk Art through a vernacular of subculture and resistance. Artists include Roxanne Jackson, Lindsay Montgomery, and Meghan Smythe. Organized by Lindsay Montgomery.

On view: March 26 - 30

Parallel Cafe & Hennepin Made, 145 Holden St N, Minneapolis

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