"Painting in Place" by Fred Anderson 


Painting in Place, a SPOTLIGHT exhibition of new paintings by Fred Anderson, opens March 9 at Groveland Gallery. For nearly thirty years, Anderson has worked in the plein air tradition, travelling the back roads and neighborhood lanes of rural and small town Minnesota near his home in Cambridge. His long and familiar relationship with the Minnesota landscape is reflected in the quiet intimacy of his works.

The paintings in this exhibition illustrate places and objects that populate Anderson's everyday life, from still lifes to street corners. Taken as a group, this exhibition acts as a painter's journal, a record of memorable encounters with light, composition, and landscape. Anderson approaches his subjects, whether interiors, exteriors, or still lifes, in the same manner - painting in place. He begins and finishes his paintings on site, sometimes returning to the same place at the same time over several days. He says his choice in subject matter is "almost unconscious." He explains: "I usually catch a pattern of lights and darks out of the corner of my eye that appeals to me, and then I try to paint it. Hopefully my paintings are an honest and simple response to the beauty I see in the world."

The artist will be present at the opening reception Saturday, March 9 from 2-5 pm. The opening reception and exhibition runs concurrently with Land Shapes by Barbara McIlrath. Both shows continue through April 20, 2019. For more information please call 612-377-7800 or visit www.grovelandgallery.com.


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