Petri Dish: Back to the beginning – Investigating the origin of life 

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Recommended for an adult audience

The origin of life, or abiogenesis, is a profound and challenging problem for scientists, in part because we only have evidence of it ever happening once in the known universe. Understanding abiogenesis is key to understanding not only how life arose on Earth, but also why we so far seem alone in our expansive universe. But how do you study the means by which life may or may not have started?

Join us for a conversation about what we know and what it means for expanding our understanding of this elusive topic.

Panelists Include:

Dr. Mark Borrello, Associate Professor, Director of HST Program, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior

Dr. Trinity Hamilton, Associate Professor, Plant and Microbial Biology

Dr. Burckhard Seelig, Associate Professor, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics

Registration is requested through Eventbrite in order to receive a secure Zoom Webinar link.


The Petri Dish explores how biology affects our lives and what it means for our future. No PowerPoints. Just lively, curiosity-driven conversations on timely topics with University of Minnesota experts. Hosted in collaboration with the College of Biological Sciences.


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