Petri Dish: Concrete and canopy – Urban nature in the spotlight 

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Recommended for an adult audience

Think nature and chances are that the landscapes that come to mind are far removed from city life. Yet nature not only exists in urban spaces but has a multitude of impacts on people. A new long-term ecological research program based in the Twin Cities promises to expand our understanding of how the natural world persists in urban settings. Our panelists will discuss the often invisible role urban nature plays in our daily lives and what they hope to learn going forward.


Panelists Include:

Dr. Sarah Hobbie, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior

Dr. Bonnie Keeler, Associate Professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Dr. Kristen Nelson, Professor, Department of Forest Resources & Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology

Registration is requested through Eventbrite in order to receive a secure Zoom Webinar link.


The Petri Dish explores how biology affects our lives and what it means for our future. No PowerPoints. Just lively, curiosity-driven conversations on timely topics with University of Minnesota experts. Hosted in collaboration with the College of Biological Sciences.


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