Petri Dish: A matter of fate: The long tail of chemicals in the environment 

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    • Lectures & Workshops
  • Science & Nature
    • Science & Nature Exhibits & Events


Recommended for an adult audience

Science has led to massive advances in not only technologies but also in our ability to create materials the world has never known. But what happens to these compounds at the end of their lifecycle? All sorts of chemicals from medications to plastics end up in our environment from our landfills to our water supply. In some cases, we know about their impact on plants and animals, but often we don’t know the full impacts of these substances in the environment or how long they will stick around. Our panelists will discuss what scientists are doing to bridge this gap in knowledge and the implications for us and for our waterways.  

Panelists Include:


Registration is requested through Eventbrite. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Program starts at 6:15 p.m.

Note: Urban Growler follows COVID guidelines in place for the City of St Paul.


The Petri Dish explores how biology affects our lives and what it means for our future. No PowerPoints. Just lively, curiosity-driven conversations on timely topics with University of Minnesota experts.

Hosted in collaboration with the College of Biological Sciences and the School of Public Health.


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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