SMSC Wacipi 


The SMSC Wacipi is a contest pow wow, where dancers compete in categories and age groups. Wacipi begins with a blessing of the dance circle. Grand entry with Veterans Color Guard carrying in the flags and eagle staff, and entrance of visiting dignitaries, tribal royalty, and the dancers by dance category. After all the dancers have entered the circle, a prayer is said. A drum group then sings a Flag Song and a Veterans Song. As a sign of respect, attendees are asked to stand, if they're able, and remove their hates. Then, the Master of Ceremonies, called "Wapaha, in Dakota, calls for intertribal dancing, allowing everyone to dance, no regalia necessary. Contest dancing and tiny tots dancing are next, with the Wapaha announcing each of the categories.


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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