Sospiri del Celeste 


Throughout history, musicians have been looking to the heavens for inspiration. The basis of Western harmony has even been ascribed to the movement of planetary bodies, from which a ‘music of the spheres’ was thought to emanate.

In this special virtual event, the Bell Museum is partnering with Sospiri, an early music ensemble, to take you on a celestial journey through music from the middle ages, renaissance, and baroque. Part 1 (7-8pm) of the evening will feature a virtual concert where Sospiri will musically explore astronomical themes in songs about love, transformation, and even plague, in styles ranging from transcendent invocations to poignant laments.

After the concert in Part 2 (8-9pm), dive deeper into the concert’s astronomical themes and phenomena with Bell Museum planetarium educator Thaddeus LaCoursiere who will give a brief presentation followed by discussion with members of the Sospiri ensemble.


About Sospiri

Sospiri is an early music ensemble offering evocative performances that combine voices with period instruments in repertoire centered around the 17th century. Artists in the ensemble strive to use historically-informed practices, consulting treatises and musical editions of the period, and using ornamentation and improvisation when appropriate. Sospiri particularly aims to follow the baroque ideal of moving the affections by heightening emotional contrasts in the text and music, while also exploring the playful aspects of the baroque in its canzonettas, villanelles, and ciacconas.

Sospiri features:

  • Nerea Berraondo, Artistic Director and Mezzo-Soprano
  • Janna Kysilko, Soprano
  • Phillip Rukavina, Archlute, Vihuela
  • Bruce Jacobs, Portative Organ and Harpsichord
  • Joe Dolson, Baroque Violin
  • Ginna Watson, Baroque Violin, Vielle, and Rebec

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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