Starch Madness: Baking a Cookie Champion 


As Minneapolis hosts the 2019 NCAA Final Four basketball championship, join Mill City Museum for Starch Madness, a cookie competition to decide the ultimate cookie champion!

In March, vote on Facebook to nominate your classic favorites and rookie cookie recipes that will make up the field of 16 Sweets. In the following weeks, cast your votes online to decide which cookies move on to the round of eight and the top four.

A taste-off of those Fresh Four will take place in the museum's Baking Lab on March 30 and 31. Then visit on Sunday, April 7 for the live, high stakes, bake-off between the top two cookies. Come see our bakers in action, taste-test the cookies, and decide the champion.


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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