Taylors Falls Lighting Festival

Event Information

Bench Street, Angel Hill Historic District and others

Taylors Falls, MN 55084

From the Cities: Interstate 35 to Highway 8 exit. Travel 30 minutes east Hwy 8 until you reach Taylors Falls.

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Friday, November 29

All Day Enjoy the river and trails at the FREE Entrance Day at Minnesota Interstate Park

TF Shop Crawl—Local Businesses Participating

3-6 pm Hot Cocoa, Cookies, Cider, Cotton Candy and Food Trucks at Downtown Businesses
4-8 pm Christmas at the 1855 Folsom House, Donations Welcome
3-8 pm 3rd Grade Exhibit at the Town House School
3-5pm Visit the 1868 Bullard-Owens House, 537 Bench Street
$5 Adults, $1 Ages 6-17
5-6 pm Mrs. Claus at the Library, 473 Bench Street
5 pm Chili, Hot Dogs and Hot Beverages at St Joseph’s Church- fundraiser of Knights of Columbus
5-8 pm Booya at Romaynes (or until gone!)
6 pm Grand Lighting of the Village and Santa Parade on Bench Street—Wear ruby red!
After the Parade—visit Santa at “With August” parking lot, 406 Bench Street.

Saturday, November 30

9-11 am FREE Flapjack Breakfast at First Evangelical Lutheran Church basement, 561 Chestnut Street
9-11 am FREE Advent wreath making at First Evangelical Lutheran Church
9-3 pm Wassail Party Craft Fair—Taylors Falls Community Center, 312 Government Street
9:30-12:30 pm Visit the Historic Taylors Falls Library, 473 Bench Street
10 am Medallion Hunt—$100 prize—Watch for clues on Facebook.
10-4 pm Visit the 1868 Bullard-Owens House, 537 Bench Street
$5 Adults, $1 Ages 6-17
10-6 pm Christmas at the 1855 Folsom House, Donations welcome
4:30 pm Ecumenical Vespers at 1861 Methodist Church, 290 W. Government Street. Free Will offering
6:30 pm Family Bingo for cash prizes, Taylors Falls Memorial Community Center
$20 pkg $1 dobbers
7:30 pm St. Croix Festival Theatre, 125 N. Washington: A Christmas Carol

Sunday, December 1

Worship at Area Churches
1-4 pm Visit the 1868 Bullard-Owens House, 537 Bench Street
$5 Adults, $1 Ages 6-17
1-4 pm Christmas at the 1855 Folsom House—Donations Welcome
1:30-3:30pm Greenfire Irish Dancers, Taylors Falls Memorial Community Center -Free Irish
Program followed by Irish social dancing. Donations Welcome
2 pm St. Croix Festival Theatre, 125 N. Washington: A Christmas Carol
3 pm Winter Concert by St. Croix Valley Orchestra, 1861 Methodist Church, Donations Welcome

Saturday, December 7

1-4 pm Christmas at the 1855 Folsom House with Santa from 1-3 pm, family crafts and treats.
Donations Welcome

Sunday, December 8

1-4 pm Christmas at the 1855 Folsom House—Donations Welcome


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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