Voices of the River Performance 


Join Relay of Voices for an evening of storytelling and movement exploring voices of the Mississippi River region. During 2019, Relay of Voices will spend four months traveling from the headwaters of the Mississippi River to Louisiana, collecting stories of everyday life on the river in more than 100 communities.

At the Mill City Museum stop, Victoria Bradford Styrbicki, organizer of Relay of Voices, will connect Minneapolis voices with those of 18 other towns and cities she has visited traveling through Minnesota from the river's source at Lake Itasca. Listen to stories that answer the question, "Why do you make this place home?" and participate by sharing your own answer to the question.

About Relay of Voices
Relay of Voices is a research expedition traveling down the Mississippi River Trail with the goal of gathering “voices” from the landscape and individual residents of the river region. The effort is shaped by a theory of “movement research,” which uses the body as the empathetic center for listening and understanding, and it seeks to learn about how people live with water and the natural resources that surround it.

The work is spearheaded by artist and athlete Victoria Bradford Styrbicki in partnership with research institute the Water Institute of the Gulf, the Great River Road, the Mississippi River Network, and the Louisiana Seafood Promotions & Marketing Board. For more information, visit relayofvoices.com.

This event is free.


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