Wild Orchids 101 - An Introduction to Sax-Zim Bog Orchids 

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Wild Orchids 101 - An Introduction to Sax-Zim Bog Orchids
Sax-Zim Bog

Did you know that there are native, wild orchids right here in the northland? There are 20+ species of orchids in the Sax-Zim Bog and they come in a wide variety of sizes, colors, shapes, and seasonal blooms. Here is an opportunity to learn about these delightful plants so that when you encounter them in the field, you will have a better understanding and appreciation of these fascinating treasures in our natural world.

About the Presenter

A Minnesota Master Naturalist since 2006, Rubin enjoys the challenge and the reward of searching for and finding wild orchids. He loves to share orchid information with others, including orchid ethics, pollination strategies, bloom phenology, and the rich diversity of species. Rubin is active in the Friends of Sax-Zim Bog organization and volunteers with multiple other nature focused entities in the northland.

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