Event Information
U.S. Bank Stadium
401 Chicago AvenueMinneapolis, Mn 55415 - link opens in new tab.
(612) 743-8760
Youth in Music Band Championships is a full day of high school and college marching bands performing in competition and exhibition. This family and child friendly event is entertainment at its finest. These themed shows deliver colorful flags, costumes and amazing music from these excellent marching bands. Bands attend from MN, WI, IA, IL, ND, SD and NE. Get your tickets today and support these amazing band programs! Tickets available at www.youthinmusic.org - link opens in new tab. starting August 13.
The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.Accessibility Accommodations
- Wheelchair accessible entrance
- Wheelchair accessible elevator
- Wheelchair accessible parking
- Wheelchair accessible restrooms
- Companion restrooms
- Wheelchair accessible seating
- Wheelchair-friendly inside walkways
- Automatic / power-assist doors
- Scooter or motorized wheelchairs available
- Walkers available
- Quiet room available
- Adult-size changing facilities