Flandrau State Park

Contact Information

Flandrau State Park

1300 Summit Ave
New Ulm, MN 56073
(866) 857-2757 (Toll Free)

Located in Brown Cnty on SW edge of New Ulm. Hwy 15 (Broadway St) in New Ulm, take 10th St S to the west or Center St to the W and follow park signs to Park.

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Nestled in the valley of the Big Cottonwood River, this state park offers hikers and cross-country skiers a diversity of trails and landscapes; from wooded river bottoms to oxbow marshes to scenic hill prairies, explore 8 mi of hiking and 6 miles of cross-country ski trails. There are many opportunities for wildlife observation, and summer visitors enjoy the sand bottom swimming pool. Since the removal of the dam, river recreation can include canoeing, tubing and fishing. Three campgrounds in the park serve the electric, non-electric and rustic campers. Park contains historic WPA buildings and a group center.


Park permits: $35 annual, $26 second vehicle, $12 handicapped, or $7 daily. Camping fees are separate.
Book an online reservation 24 hours a day. https://reservemn.usedirect.com/MinnesotaWeb/
Phone reservations can be made by calling 866-857-2757 (TTY:

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