Antiquified, LLC

Contact Information

Antiquified, LLC

2430 California St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418

Antiquified is located on the corner of Lowry Ave and California St NE, just 1.5 blocks from the neon bridge over the Mississippi on Lowry.

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Antiquified has a new home at the iconic Gingerbread House in Northeast Minneapolis!

We now have the advantage of specializing in and showcasing small furnishings in a cozy atmosphere. Here you will find a spectacular framed art collection, and entire showcases of Black Americana and sparkling vintage jewelry. There's a room filled with handmade quilts, aprons and linens. Also a glittering room with one of a kind lighting and shabby romantic items by The Joy Cascade, as well as a mini boutique with affordable gift ideas on the same floor You are sure to find a treasure in the quaint Dutch style basement level at Antiquified, with it's built-in bar displaying vintage bar ware, a large selection of comic books, and a wonderful room taking inspiration from a North Woods cabin and bringing it here to you in Northeast.


Open: TUES-SAT 11am-6:00pm, SUN 1-4pm.Closed Mondays.Special arrangements can be made for small and large groups, including refreshments served and special hours if needed.


Antiquified will give group discounts of 8+ store wide. Call at least one day in advance if you would like refreshments served.

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