Bluestem Prairie SNA 


The sound of spring at Bluestem Prairie is a low, thrumming boom resonating across the flatlands and shoreline ridges left by glacial Lake Agassiz. Visitors willing to rise before dawn can reserve their spot in a blind to see its source: male greater prairie chickens vying for the chance to pass along their genes to the next generation.

This is one of the most significant northern tallgrass prairie sites in the nation. Like a set of nested cups, the 1,310-acre SNA lies within the 6,568+ acre Bluestem Preserve owned by The Nature Conservancy, which itself is within a 23,600+ acre critical core area identified in the state's Prairie Conservation Plan.

This site has no maintained trails. Recreational facilities are available in Buffalo River State Park. Blinds for viewing the prairie chickens' courtship behavior in April are available by reservation by calling the Nature Conservancy Bluestem Prairie office at (218) 498-2679. This site is in an Audubon Important Bird Area and Watchable Wildlife Viewing Area.

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