Bluff Country Artists Gallery

Bluff Country Artists Gallery

Bluff Country Artists Gallery

Bluff Country Artists Gallery

Bluff Country Artists Gallery

Bluff Country Artists Gallery

Bluff Country Artists Gallery

Bluff Country Artists Gallery
Contact Information
Bluff Country Artists Gallery
111 W Main StMN Hwy 44
Spring Grove, MN 55974
Check out mapquest at www.mapquest.com. 60 miles from Rochester, MN, 30 miles from LaCrosse, WI, 25 miles from Lanesboro, MN and 20 miles from Decorah, IA in the heart of Bluff Country in southeast Minnesota.
Get DirectionsAbout
Located on MN Hwy 44 (111 West Main Street) in
Spring Grove, the gallery showcases the original work of 70 artists of the bluff country region, providing diverse art experiences for consumers to view and purchase. The gallery also offers special exhibits, studio classes and events that encourage artistic excellence and educational opportunities for persons of all ages. We are an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non profit organization and await your visit!
Wedneasday - Saturday 12 noon to 5 PM. Sunday 12 noon to 4 PM. Visit other times by appointment call 507-498-ARTS.Rates
Original Art for sale.