City of Battle Lake


Battle Lake is a bustling little community wrapped snugly around the western edge of West Battle Lake in central Minnesota's "lakes country". The City has a population of 875 however with increasing development adjacent to the City and on nearby lakes, it appears to be much larger.

A number of businesses, services and programs are available for residents and visitors alike; you'll find most anything you need right in Battle Lake. Battle Lake has an active Fire Department, Rescue Squad and City Police Department to protect our citizens and visitors. Battle Lake boasts a "Blue Ribbon School" by the Nation Department of Education. This is the highest honor a school can receive. The school houses K-12 students and also has an early childhood program.

The Glendalough Trail, in the heart of lakes country, was completed in 2013/2014. Its gentle slopes and easy access allow people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the beauty of the Battle Lake area. The 12-mile paved trail runs from the City of Battle Lake and into Glendalough State Park. It's a beautiful ride and appropriate for people of all ages.

State Highway 78 runs through the middle of the City and in 2013, the City worked cooperatively with MnDOT to do a complete streets project. The finished product allows for a more pedestrian friendly community and includes the addition of a number of public art projects to enjoy along the way.

Battle Lake has many unique shops, eateries, parks and resorts as well as events. From summer cabins to lake homes, fall festivals to fish fries, parades to parks, arts & craft shows to floral, gift, ice cream, coffee & tea shops, walleye tournaments to turtle races, Battle Lake has something to offer everyone of every age in every season. Whether you come for a visit or decide to make this your home, it's truly a place to relax and enjoy!

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