Gooseberry Falls State Park

Contact Information

Gooseberry Falls State Park

3206 Highway 61 East
Two Harbors, MN 55616
(866) 857-2757 (Toll Free)


This popular North Shore park features spectacular waterfalls, scenic overlooks, a wonderful visitor center and superb trout fishing. Be sure to take in an interpretive program to learn more about the history, geology and wildlife of the North Shore. Park has campground, 20 miles hiking trails, 12 miles cross-country ski, 2 miles snowmobile trails. Trails run along the Gooseberry River, through aspen, cedar, spruce & pine forests. Mostly intermediate trails. There are only a few plowed winter tenting sites. Be advised that showers and flush toilets are also not available in winter, however there are still vault toilets for camper use.

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Aerial of the North Shore

The Gitchi-Gami State Trail on the North Shore  / Credit: Waqar Ahmad

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