Heartland State Trail

Contact Information

Heartland State Trail

115 Bunyan Trails Drive
Nevis, MN 56467
(218) 308-2372 (Alt Local)

Various connections to the trail along TH 34 and TH 371 in the communities of Park Rapids, Dorset, Nevis, Akeley, Walker, and Cass Lake. Look for trail directional signs.


A 49 mile multiple use trail between Park Rapids and Cass Lake. The trail is located entirely on a level abandoned railroad grade except for two short segments north of Walker; snowmobiles on sharply rolling terrain. The 27 mile segment between Park Rapids and Walker has a paved surface. This segment has a second grassy treadway for horseback riding, mountain biking, and studded snowmoible tracks. The paved 20 mile segment from Walker to Cass Lake now allows studded snowmobiles.


Trail is open to snowmobiles from December 1 to April 1 if conditions warrant.


You will need a horse pass if you will be horseback riding, a ski pass for cross-country skiing, and for snowmobiling, a snowmobile must be registered or have a snowmobile state trail sticker. No other fees or passes are required to use the trail.

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