Lake Shetek State Park

Contact Information

Lake Shetek State Park

163 State Park Road
Currie, MN 56123
(866) 857-2757 (Toll Free)

North of Currie on County Road 38.

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History and water abound in this park. The lake, Koch Cabin and monument to the Shetek settlers are points of interest. The interpretive trail out to Loon Island is scenic and gives facts about the area. 14 miles of hiking and 5 miles of snowmobile trails. Boats, canoes and kayaks are available for use on the lakes and along the canoe trail. Four camping cabins are available year round. The Casey Jones/Currie Loop State Trail is a 6 mile loop that connects Lake Shetek State Park and the nearby town of Currie.


Park permits: $35 annual, $26 second vehicle, $12 handicapped, or $7 daily. Camping fees are separate.

Book an online reservation 24 hours a day.

Phone reservations can be made by calling 866-857-2757 (TTY: 952-936-4008) Apr–Sep, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. D

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