Le Sueur Area Chamber & Tourism

Contact Information

Le Sueur Area Chamber & Tourism

500 N Main St
Le Sueur, MN 56058

Giant Celebration held in Legion Park in Le Sueur Minnesota. Ferry and Park Lane.

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Le Sueur is 50 miles south of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area or 25 miles north of Mankato on Highway 169. Population: approximately 4,000, Founded: 1852, Incorporated: 1867


08/02/2019 - 08/03/2019 Dances both Friday and Saturday night. Fireworks Saturday night at 10:00 p.m. Parade on Sunday 1:00 p.m. followed by the Giant Corn Feed.


Admission varies depending on event or participation. There is a $5.00 charge for evening dances.

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