Minneapolis Walking and Biking Tours 

Contact Information

Minneapolis Walking and Biking Tours

PO Box 580022
Minneapolis, MN 55458

Various locations throughout Minneapolis.

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It’s time to get outside and enjoy the summer weather! Discover diverse and historic neighborhoods by participating in the Minneapolis Walking and Biking Tours sponsored by Preserve Minneapolis. Each tour has a minimal fee, most are only $5 and pre-payment/registration and more information is available at http://www.preserveminneapolis.org/community.php

It will include thirty-one tours of unique places such as the Grain Belt Brewery, Red Cedar Lane, Historic Old Highland and the Northside Synagogues. In June and August bike tours will offer riders momentous views of several south Minneapolis locations.

On each tour, guides with experience in fields like architecture, and preservation will tell the ‘stories behind the story’ and give participants a greater understanding of the area’s social and built history.

Tours will be held regardless of inclement weather. Participants are strongly urged to pre-register online; however, when space allows we will accept last minute additions and cash payments at the tour starting points.


Visit http://www.preserveminneapolis.org/wpfile/tours/ for full tour schedule.


Most tours are $5.00 per person. Reservations can be made at: http://www.preserveminneapolis.org/community.php

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