Motley Crew Murder Mysteries 


What is a murder Mystery Dinner? A murder mystery dinner is a type of dinner theater in which audience members cooperate with each other and interact with performance cast members in order to solve a fictitious murder scene. Are you intrigued by a good murder mystery? If so, you’re not alone. A murder mystery dinner can be a great way to socialize with friends, family, coworkers, and complete strangers.

If this is your first time participating in a murder mystery or you have been to one before , you’ll want to get into character and follow our other tips so you can enjoy your evening but it's not required. For example, this murder mystery dinner party is set during the 1950's high school hangout bowling alley with unique characters and original plots. While it may not be mandatory to wear period-specific clothing, you’ll have more fun if you get into character and embrace the theme. After all, a murder mystery party is an opportunity to be someone other than yourself for one night.

To solve the murder mystery, you’ll need to work with other guests to gather important clues. However, keep in mind that one of the guests will be the murderer. It might even be you. It’s important that you determine who your allies are early in the game. While some of the characters will help you, others will have been told to hinder your path toward the truth. Don’t be hurt if some of the guests act standoffish with you, it may just be because their character is hiding a secret they don’t want you to find out . Your character may have some secrets you don’t want other guests to know. In that case, you’ll want to keep your secrets close to the vest and only share general information about your character. Other guests will be more likely to share information if you volunteer information about yourself first. During the murder mystery evening, don’t be afraid to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations, you may just find out something useful. Even if your group didn’t discover the murderer’s identity, the night is still a success if you had fun. Murder mystery dinners can help you escape the reality of life for a few hours. The point of a murder mystery (besides solving the mystery) is to socialize with other people and work together toward a common goal. At the end of the evening, you’ll have a new story to tell your friends. During a mystery dinner party, you will be treated to a delicious meal. Just because you’re looking for a murderer, doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy fine dining at the same time. For example, at our event venue, we provide dinner and hors d’oeuvres to our murder mystery guests.

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