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Nemadji State Forest Trails
Nemadji State ForestNickerson, MN - link opens in new tab.
(218) 485-5410
From Nickerson, go north on Delong Rd. Continue onto Co. Rd. 146 to Gafvert Day-use Area.
Get Directions - link opens in new tab.About
Riders can explore the trails that climb through Nemadji State Forest. The southern trails wind across gently rolling upland, moving to steep stream valleys in the northeast. Tight curves and steep hills on the OHM single-track trails challenge even the most experienced riders. Trail connections to the Matthew Lourey State Trail and the Gandy Dancer Trail offer additional riding opportunities.
Closed during deer hunting season.Trail Use Designation
- ATV (All-terrain vehicles)
- OHM (Off-highway motorcycle)
- ORV (Off-road vehicles)