Olcott Park Greenhouse & Metsa Gardens 

Contact Information

Olcott Park Greenhouse & Metsa Gardens

9th Ave W and 7th St N
Virginia, MN 55792 - link opens in new tab.

Olcott Park Greenhouse: Located in Virginia on 9th Ave. and 7th St. No., one block south of the hospital. Metsa Gardens: Located in Virginia on 5th Ave. and 3rd St. No., adjacent to the Natural Harvest Food Cooperative on the south side of Bailey's Lake.

Get Directions - link opens in new tab.


Olcott Park Greenhouse and Botanical Garden contains an impressive, extensive and beautiful collection of exotic plants, large tropical palms, cactus and succulents.

Metsa Gardens contains a labyrinth walk with small flowering trees, flowers are varied including herbs, roses, shrubs, fruits and vegetables.


Olcott Park Greenhouse Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 7:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Friday, 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. excluding holidays, Saturday, 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. or call 218-748-7509 for other arrangements.


Admission is free.

Green Practices

  • Composting at both sites

Attraction Attributes

  • Can accommodate groups of 45 or more
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