Pine Tree Cove Resort

Contact Information

Pine Tree Cove Resort

12977 Chippewa Trail
Kabetogama, MN 56669
(218) 875-2121 (Alt Local)

Hwy #53 30 miles north of Orr; right on #122 for 6 miles, #673 for 1/4 mile.

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Very nice cabins! Three, large, two bd.rm cabins, two baths, sleeps 6-8 people; one bd rm cabin. All cabins have enclosed screen porch, nice size deck, ceiling fans, satellite tv, dvd player, all with A/C, wireless, one handicap friendly. Pets w/permission. Tastefully decorated, built in microwave. Large protected harbor. Owner/caretaker on premises.


Prior to Memorial Day and after Labor Day, will do two day minimum stay, weekly otherwise.


Extra people are $160 p/wk, pets $50/wk

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