Contact Information
Pleasant Grove Pizza Farm
41142 160th StreetWaseca, MN 56093
A 55-acre farm and a vision.
In a quest to provide a unique outdoor experience for visitors, utilize the beautiful land they inhabit, connect with their local farming community, and grow agritourism in the Waseca area, Bill Bartz and Emily Knudsen dreamed up and brought to life the Pleasant Grove Pizza Farm.
We hope that in addition to enjoying delicious pizza you will take time to explore the farm and listen to live music. There are trails for you and your family and friends to walk while waiting for your pizzas or once you’ve eaten and feel like exploring.
Visit our website at: Pleasant Grove Pizza Farm - Pizza Restaurant | Waseca MN
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Pizza night at Red Barn Farm in Northfield / Credit: Paul Vincent

A packed Bar Lurcat patio in the summer / Krivit Photography, courtesy of Meet Minneapolis