Sheraton Minneapolis West Hotel

Contact Information

Sheraton Minneapolis West Hotel

12201 Ridgedale Dr
Minnetonka, MN 55305
(888) 236-2427 (Toll Free)

Directions from Mpls/St.Paul Int'l Airport: Follow 494 West out of the Airport to 169 North. Exit 394 West off 169. Take your 2nd Exit off 394 which is Ridgedale Dr. Turn Left onto Ridgedale Dr. and the Sheraton Minneapolis West Hotel is up 1/4 mi

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Discover the grand feeling you get in the open, twin atrium Sheraton Minneapolis West Hotel. Our rooms are recently renovated and feature refrigerators and in-room safes.
Enjoy our indoor pool or nearby walking paths, and dine in one of our on-site restaurants.


Fees on certain amenities/services may apply.

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