St Louis County Historical Society 


Established in 1922, the St. Louis County Historical Society collects, preserves and presents the rich history of northeastern Minnesota. Exhibits and programs such as Culture & Cuisine, antique appraisals and speaker series are available throughout the year. The Society is the proud sponsor of Veterans' Memorial Hall, currently featuring the exhibit "Generations of Service". View historic artifacts and experience the stories of veterans and their families.


Year round. Summer hours (begins Memorial Day): 9am-6pm daily; winter hours (begins Labor Day): 9am - 5pm daily.


Museum Admission: adults (13 and older) $14.00, ages 3-12 $6.00, ages 2 and under free. Discounts available. Fee includes entrance to St. Louis County Historical Society, Duluth Art Institute and Lake Superior Railroad Museum.

Green Practices

  • Waste reduction/reuse/recycling

Attraction Attributes

  • Can accommodate groups of 45 or more

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