Starck's Tamarack Lodge

Contact Information

Starck's Tamarack Lodge

4314 Winnie Dam Lane NE
Deer River, MN 56636
(866) 494-7325 (Toll Free)

From Grand Rapids, take Highway 2 east to Deer River. Turn right on Highway 46 to Winnie Dam Road (hwy. 9), turn left 2 miles and follow the signs.

From Bemidji, take Highway 2 west to Winnie Dam Road (hwy 9)
turn left and follow the signs.

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Tamarack Lodge is open year round and offers super clean modern housekeeping cabins, In-Ground Swimming Pool, boat rentals, bait, cable TV and more. Many of our Cabins are new. We offer some of the finest fishing for families or groups that Minnesota has to offer. Your vacation is as important to us as it is to you. Call today and create memories that will last a lifetime.


Daily stays require a 3-day minimum. Call for seasonal discounts. Boat/Motor and pontoon rental available.

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