Surfside on Lake Superior

From Duluth, follow Hwy. 61 North approx 80 miles to Tofte, MN. Surfside is located on the lakeside of Hwy 61, across from Birch Grove School.

Travel Distance
Duluth 80 miles
Lutsen 10 miles
Grand Marais 30 miles
Canadian Border 107 miles

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Amazing views inspire a new perspective. Surfside on Lake Superior is a new waterfront resort on the North Shore of Lake Superior. It offers a collection of coastal contemporary 1, 2 and 3 bedroom townhomes designed to captivate the senses and redefine relaxation. Located on 780' of dramatic Lake Superior shoreline, each Surfside townhome boasts clean and simple lines that emphasize the breathtaking views. Surfside is also home to Waves of Superior Spa.

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