Theatre Coup d'Etat 

Contact Information

Theatre Coup d'Etat

2601 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55408

Venues change with each production, visit for updates!

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Theatre Coup d'Etat's mission is to provoke an emotional and analytical response in our audiences by showing the depth of the human condition through both classical and contemporary works.

We Believe:
*In honoring the text and telling the story as truthfully as possible. To quote Hamlet:
"The play's the thing… For anything so o'redone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is to hold as 'twere holdIng a mirror up to nature;"

*Theatre is an important social tool to reflect where we are, what we are doing, and why we are doing it.

*The poorest of us has the capacity to affect change and those in power can be overthrown by the simple act of telling a story truthfully.

*Theatre should be out of reach for no one. Therefore, it is our policy to not only offer full price tickets at a maximum of $15 - $25, we also offer industry nights and pay-what-you-can performances for every production.

*Truth is the beauty of the human condition. Our ability as a species to be endearing, volatile, courageous, dispirited, romantic, wicked, or any of the myriad of aspects that make us human beings will be at the forefront of our productions. Theatre Coup d'Etat will tell the stories that reflect the many facets of humanity.


Dates change with each production, visit for updates!


Sliding scale, $18-$40!

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