Theatre Pro Rata 


Since 2001 Pro Rata, Latin for "in proportion," has been producing smart, vivid, varied, and gutsy theater in the Twin Cities.

Focusing on the text of the play, the company offers performers and audiences the chance to engage the characters, themes and language more completely. Ranging from classic dramas to modern black comedies, Theatre Pro Rata produces scripts that engender this exploration while still bringing visceral theatrical experiences to the stage.

Recent accolades for Pro Rata include rave reviews, record-breaking attendance, and multiple BroadwayWorld Award nominations for its production of Emilie: La Marquise du Châtelet Defends Her Life Tonight (2013); T Bone N Weasel being named one of the top ten productions of the year (2012 City Pages); and three year end mentions for Waiting for Godot (2011, Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, and City Pages).

Theatre Pro Rata utilizes a unique sliding scale for ticketing, allowing patrons to name their own price from $14 to $41*.

*sliding scale does not apply to productions in the Andy Boss Thrust Stage at Park Square Theatre

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