Töast is a Scandinavian-Inspired Cafe. Serving breakfast + lunch + smiles. “å være midt i smørøyet”
Patrons benefit from fusion cuisine but a variety of options from other local businesses ranging from catering to take-and-bake meals. Roasted provides individually prepared meals for the health-conscious on-the-go while MamaSheena’s Fresh & Fancy provides freezer meals, weekly meal plans and catering for a range of events. For those with a sweet tooth, Peney Cakes will be offering confections, and Sweeties, formerly known for organic ice cream, will be serving up sorbets and plant-based desserts.
Patrons benefit from fusion cuisine but a variety of options from other local businesses ranging from catering to take-and-bake meals. Roasted provides individually prepared meals for the health-conscious on-the-go while MamaSheena’s Fresh & Fancy provides freezer meals, weekly meal plans and catering for a range of events. For those with a sweet tooth, Peney Cakes will be offering confections, and Sweeties, formerly known for organic ice cream, will be serving up sorbets and plant-based desserts.
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Hopperstad Stave Church / Neil Jordheim, Historical & Cultural Society of Clay County

Otter Tail Lake at sunset / Allie Hoeft