Wood-Rill SNA 

From downtown Long Lake 1.25 miles E on Wayzata Blvd, then continue 0.25 mile E on Old Long Lake Rd. Park in lot on S. Hike E along road to trails.

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Wood-Rill preserves an outstanding example of Sugar Maple "Big Woods" forest. This forest type is ranked S2, or imperiled, in the state and is increasingly rare in the developing metro-area.

The steep hills here reflect the topography of the St. Croix moraine, legacy of the glacial era that also left behind small ice-block depressions now filled with a pond, sedge meadows, and a black ash swamp on the site's western perimeter. A tiny tamarack swamp (1.27 acres) is like a jewel, carpeted in sphagnum moss and hosting cranberries and wintergreen. Rare species documented here have included butternut (endangered in Minnesota) and red-shouldered Hawk (special concern in Minnesota).

This site has hiking trails.



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