Zippel Bay State Park

Contact Information

Zippel Bay State Park

3684 54th Avenue NW
Williams, MN 56686
(866) 857-2757 (Alt Local)

From the west end of Baudette, take Highway 172, 10 miles north to County Road 8. Go west on 8 for 6 miles to the park entrance.

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This is north country! The park is located on the shores of Lake of the Woods, a 950,000 acre lake. The three miles of white sand beach and ocean-like waves offer a variety of water recreation opportunities. 6 miles of hiking and 7 miles of cross-country skiing, and 3 miles of snowmobiling. Protected harbor with docking and picnic facilities, 90 foot fishing pier, boat access, and fish cleaning station.
In summer, the 3,000-acre park offers a swimming beach and picnic area on the big lake, drive-in campsites and a group camp, a marina on Zippel Bay and a stone jetty providing protected access to Lake of the Woods.

Birding is excellent—be sure to watch for sandhill cranes and piping plovers. In the winter, three miles of snowmobile trail provide access to the lake, which snowmobilers will find dotted with fish houses making virtual towns on the ice. Seven miles of groomed cross-country trails wind to the lakeshore through jack pine, birch, and open fields.


Park permits: $35 annual, $26 second vehicle, $12 handicapped, or $7 daily. Camping fees are separate.

Book an online reservation 24 hours a day.

Phone reservations can be made by calling 866-857-2757 (TTY: 952-936-4008) Apr–Sep, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. D

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